Christy Brown, a much loved Crumlin native lived in Ferns Road, Crumlin. A number of neighbours appraoached us to improve the green space, we held a meeting where it was decided to try and create a Christy Brown memorial garden. The garden will transform a small space of grass into a tribute to the life of poet & artist Christy Brown.
A number of residents are working with horticulturist Fiann O Nualaiin and conversing with Christy’s family to bring this project to life to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Christy Browns death. Watch this space.
Date: June 2021 – December 2021
Thanks to: Fiann, Sabrina, Sarah, Tara, Joanna, Tina,Siobhan, DCC Parks, Christy Brown relatives, Stannaway and Ferns Road residents.
Status: Ongoing