In September, two events were held in conjunction with Hubert from WALK and Blarney Park Community Gardens.
The first event, volunteers learned how to save seeds from plants and reuse them to grow more. Many thanks to Hubert, Mary May, Willie and Mark for helping with the event and providing great advice to all the volunteers.
The second event was a harvest feast and seed swap. Friends and neighbours who grow food in their gardens were asked to bring along a dish to share made with something they had grown this season. We shared tasty dishes such as white bean vegetable stew, courgette quiche, lentil dahl and plenty of baked goods made with seasonal pears, apples and rhubarb. The kids had great time making pressed apple juice with the apple presser.
We hope to make this into an annual event.
Thanks to: Hubert, Mary May, Willie, Mark, Michelle, Mary F, Paula, Josephine, Katrin, Siobhan, Laura
Photos: Beta & Paula
Date: September 2021