This laneway became an important access point during the Pandemic for the Loreto School, and unfortunately the laneway was a little worse for wear. The school approached us about the possibility of a mural to brighten up the space but budget was limited. We sourced the majority of paint from Fleetwood paints on Davitt Road, who were able to donate to us their off-mixes for free, which we added to ourselves from further donations from friends, and purchased a few “pop” colours to tie the mural together.
The ethos was to create a fairly sophisticated mural of pattern and colour for the kids and parents to enjoy on their approach to the school. Something new and unusual that didn’t fall into the script of a traditional school mural was our main goal, we hoped we achieved it! A big thanks to all our volunteers, Yuhali, Caitríona, Olga & Sabrina who helped on this and sustained a few sunburned foreheads in the process!
Paint sponsored/donated by: Fleetwood paints, Davitt Road.
Date: March – July 2021
Thanks to: Loreto College, especially their Caretaker, Colin. Yuhali, Caitríona, Olga & Sabrina
Status: Completed