The area at 56-58 Rutland Avenue was highlighted in the findings from the Lower Crumlin Survey as a space that was a destination for illegal dumping and anti-social behaviour and we can see from the photos the negative effect it was having. Based on the findings, we approached the owners (Templeogue Synge Street GAA) to see if we could help improve it.
Once they agreed, we called into neighbours living close to the space and discussed the space and how it could be improved. Volunteers Olga and Karl created some 3D mockups based on the residents feedback and the closest neighbours were then shown the mockups and everyone was in agreement to push forward with the project.
Fence, Plastering and Planters
A fence was erected by Dominic Walsh (DW Fabricators) from Kildare Road. Residents were eager that a fence be installed, so that illegal dumping would be reduced. The next job involved local plastered Aiden, rendered the large wall organised by Tina and Beta.
Once completed, we measured out the area for planters and Milena Stoppa created some lovely planters for the space. Three weeks later the planters had arrived.
Having received advice and support from Fiann O’ Nualainn, Marion Keogh and David Moore from DCC Parks, volunteers Bree, Tina and Beta organised the equipment, plants and topsoil for the planting day. Plants came from Windyridge garden center and topsoil from
Planting Day
Over 30 volunteers converged from all parts of Crumlin on Sunday 27th March 2022 to transform the space. Young, old and in between worked for hours to paint, shovel, plant, lift and help in whatever way they could. It was fantastic to see so many residents from local streets supported by Bloomin’ Crumlin volunteers. It’s fantastic to see what can happen when the community works together.
Thanks to all whom took part in the project to make it as successful as it was. Many thanks to DCC and the local Councillors who continue to support these projects through the litter action group monthly meetings. Thanks to ChangeX for helping support the purchasing of some of the pollinator friendly plants.